Lowering The Cost Of Homeowners Insurance
One of the ways to reduce your premium is somewhat beyond your control – a good claims history. Of course, the best claims history is to have had no claims.

Claims-Made VS Occurrence Policies
There are two primary types of insurance policy forms: occurrence and claims-made. Occurrence forms cover losses that happen during a given period of time (the policy term). A claims-made form has value, but no guarantee of continued insurablity.

How Does Honesty Apply To Insurance?
It is important to be honest on all insurance applications and claims to avoid the possibility of problems on coverage for any future claims.

How Do I Choose An Insurance Company?
Choosing insurance should be based on licensing in your state, price, financially sound insurance companies, service and comfort

What To Do in a Power Failure
Our nation’s infrastructure is aging. Power outages that are merely annoying in summer can become life-threatening in winter. Use these hints and tips to protect you from the impact of winter weather on your home and help you stay safe and warm when winte

Save on Your Homeowners Insurance with Holiday Theft Prevention
Don’t let a Grinch steal your happy holidays. Keep your home and belongings safe. You’ll have a merrier season and, since you won’t have to file a claim, you may even save on your homeowners insurance policy, too.

What Type Of Insurance Do I Need For A Co-Op Or Condo?
Condo and co-op insurance requires two separate insurance policies, your own insurance policy and a master policy provided by the condo/co-op board

What Is In A Standard Homeowners Insurance Policy?
Standard home owners insurance offers: house structure coverage, personal belonging coverage, liability protection and additional living expense costs

Catastrophe Insurance And The Homeowner
Purchasing a catastrophe insurance policy varies in certain parts of the US, it is important to know your options if you live in a catastrophe prone area