EINSURANCE Insurance Journal

EINSURANCE insurance journal provides our customers latest news, resources regarding insurance topics ranging from Auto, Home, Life, Business and Health.

It enables our customers to be informed with all insurance terms, insurance news, insurance comparisons and insurance tips.

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Does the Charitable Board You Sit on Have D&O Coverage?

If you sit on a charity’s board you might be personally liable for bad decisions. Read how to protect personal assets with D&O insurance for non-profits

Long-Term Disability Insurance: Essential Coverage for Singles

Long-term disability insurance is essential coverage, especially if you are single and self-employed. It helps pay bills while you recover from a disabling illness or accident.

Will Your Property Insurance Protect You If You Rent to a Bad Tenant?

What does your homeowners insurance or property insurance cover? Does your homeowners coverage protect you from a bad tenant? Get homeowners policy quotes.

How to Shop for Commercial Fleet Insurance?

If your company owns several vehicles, you can save money with commercial fleet insurance. Learn more and get quotes for small business fleet coverage.

Shop for Individual Health Insurance Quotes

Even if health care reform passes, under its current 2,000+ page iteration it won’t take affect for several years. In the meantime, you still have choices and December and January are the right time to review your personal situation and make any necessary

Do Insurance Companies Charge More for Red Cars Because They Get More Speeding Tickets?

Will your red car attract police and raise your insurance rates? Right up there with all the other urban myths are these two: cops give a disproportionate amount of speeding tickets to red cars; and car insurance companies charge more for red cars. While

How to Choose Between HMO or PPO Health Care Plan

How do you choose between an HMO and PPO. Both HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) and PPO (Preferred Provider Organizations) are types of managed health care systems. Unlike traditional pay for fee plans (a rapidly fading dinosaur of a gentler age),

What’s the Difference Between HSA and FSA?

If you’re given the opportunity to select a Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account, give it serious consideration. Even with coming changes to these programs because of health care reform, both still offer you a chance to keep more of your ha

Health Care Insurance Update: What Will and Won’t Be Eligible for FSA Reimbursement in 2011

The health care reform (Obamacare) will affect FSA in 2011. Find out what this change means to you.

Protect Your Car Insurance Rates. Know What To Do When You’re Pulled Over for a Traffic Violation

Seeing a flashing red light in your rearview mirror is the adult equivalent of being caught with your hand in the cookie jar. If you’re human, you’re first reaction is to wonder what you did wrong and then figure out how you’re going to talk your way out

Save on Homeowners Insurance: Avoid These Winter Safety Hazards

When the temperature goes down, a lot of safety hazards go on, especially during the holidays. Damage from faulty electrical connections, chimney fires, heating systems and Christmas decorations are top offenders that can drive up your homeowners insuranc

Review Your California Health Care Insurance for 2010

Add reviewing your California health care insurance policy to your December to-do list. In these tough economic times, it could help you save some money, or at least result in improved coverage. Consumer advocates are working on your behalf and a number o

Review Your Texas Health Care Insurance for 2010

Add reviewing your Texas health care insurance policy to your December or January to-do list. In these tough economic times, it could help you save some money, or at least result in improved coverage. Lawmakers and consumer advocates are working on your b

New Year’s Resolutions for 2010 – Search Online for Cheap Health Insurance Quotes

Not all of us have health insurance through our employers. Many of us are self-employed or work part-time and do not qualify for benefits through employment. A great New Year’s resolution, in addition to the goal of hitting the gym, is to make sure you

Hurry – 2010 is Almost Here! Max Out Your Health Benefits before Year End.

It’s hard to believe, but 2009 is quickly drawing to a close. With only a few weeks left, make sure that you get the most out of your health benefits before year end. Chances are you have already satisfied your health insurance policy’s deductible for t

A New Year Wish for 2010 – Health Insurance

Starting 2010 with health insurance is a great way to start the New Year off on the right foot. Life is unpredictable and even those of us that are generally very healthy can suddenly need to cope with an accident or an illness. Having health insurance

Fulfill Your New Year’s Resolutions for 2009 – Review Your Health Policy Offered By Your Employer

It’s that time of year again – you’re starting to think about making some resolutions for the coming of the New Year. Most of us think about resolutions regarding getting in shape and losing weight after the holidays. That’s a good one, especially for t

New Years Car Insurance Resolutions

Every year we make resolutions - to eat healthier, to work out more, to spend more time with family and friends... Well, don't forget to put assessing your car insurance needs on that list of resolutions. Certainly protecting yourself and your family des