EINSURANCE Insurance Journal

EINSURANCE insurance journal provides our customers latest news, resources regarding insurance topics ranging from Auto, Home, Life, Business and Health.

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For Cheaper Homeowners Insurance, Make Sure Your Home Isn’t an Insurance Nightmare

Here’s a wake-up call for you folks who’ve let those minor home repairs turn into major problems: your homeowners’ insurance policy can be canceled. Because of the uptick in abandoned properties, insurance companies have become increasingly vigilant. If y
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Homeowners Insurance for Unmarried Couples

Forty years ago, 70% of U.S. households were comprised of married couples and half of those households had kids under 18. Back then, insurance companies used a standard definition for “insured” when issuing a homeowners policy. It granted insured status t
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SR22 Insurance Quotes

First, let’s define our terms here. SR-22 isn’t auto insurance per se. It’s a form that an auto insurance carrier might be required to file with your state department of motor vehicles showing that you do, indeed, have automobile insurance. In other word
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How to Lose Your Homeowners Insurance: Dog Bite Claims

Could the family pooch be standing between you and a homeowners insurance policy? Dog lovers that we are, we’re sorry to say it’s true. A 2008 study revealed that dog bite claims are the source of more than 30% of all homeowner insurance liability claims
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These Changes to Your Business Can Affect Your Life Insurance

If you’re a small business owner, there are probably a lot of people depending on your continued success – from your family to your employees, partners, investors and creditors. The best way to protect everyone’s interests, including your own, is to keep
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Is Car Insurance Tax Deductible?

Money is tight and likely to get tighter. One of the ways you can keep a few more pennies in your personal piggy bank is to maximize your income tax deductions. Don’t overlook the allowable insurance tax deductions. Under certain circumstances, many typ
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Life Events That Effect Your Life Insurance Coverage

You might think that a life insurance policy is something you purchase and tuck away in a drawer or safe deposit box until it matures or your beneficiaries need it. That would be a very big mistake. Throughout your life, there will be many events that can
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Cut Costs With These Auto Insurance Discounts

You’ve been nickeled and dimed for years. Fight back. Make 2010 the year you squeeze every ounce of buying power out of you money, starting with what you spend on automobile insurance. In a recent survey, co-sponsored by Trusted Choice and the Independen
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Auto Parts Theft and Your Auto Insurance

It’s bad enough to have your car stolen, but adding insult to injury is to have it recovered stripped to the frame…or to walk out one morning and find that your airbags, headlamps and catalytic converted have been boosted. Theft of this type is typically
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Is Health Insurance Tax Deductible?

Tax time is right around the corner. Time to corral all the receipts, break out the calculator and see how much of your hard-earned cash you actually get to keep. Your best bet is to itemize and claim every single legitimate deduction you’re entitled to.
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Is Return Of Premium Term Life Insurance Right for You?

For most people, in most situations, term life insurance versus whole life insurance is a better choice and a better value. It provides financial security for your beneficiaries in the event you die during the term of the policy. But term life insurance v
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Drunk Driving and Auto Insurance

You got popped for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Hopefully, no lives were lost, no injuries were sustained and no property damage occurred, because then you’d really be in a world of legal and financial hurt. As it is, you’re still look
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How to Check a Life Insurance Company’s Financial Rating

Whether you’re considering whole life insurance or term life insurance, you’re looking at a commitment of anywhere from 10 to 30 years. And, since you’re probably buying life insurance to provide financial security for your spouse or dependents, you want
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Life Insurance with No Medical Exam

Before they’ll insure your life, most insurance carriers want to know whether you have any medical conditions or lifestyle behaviors that statistics say will shorten your life and increase the odds they’ll have to pay a death benefit sooner than they’d li
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Auto Insurance Quotes for Really Bad Drivers

Have you or your spouse been collecting moving violations like cat hair on black pants? Did one of you ignore the barrage of public service announcements and end up in jail for DUI? Did either of you smash up the family car or file lots of claims over the
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Facts about Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

There is one type of life insurance that just about anyone with a pulse can buy. Also known as guaranteed issue life insurance, the age of eligibility varies, but usually ranges from 50 to 80, although some states may allow you to sign up as young as 45 o
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Types of Term Life Insurance

Dollar for dollar, term life insurance is a great value with highly competitive offerings, so it pays to shop around. Depending on the carrier, there are even types of term life with no medical exam. When looking for term life insurance quotes online, h
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Avoiding Post-Disaster Homeowner Insurance Scams

You were smart. You carefully shopped for homeowners insurance quotes and, after comparing quotes, you made your decision based on factors other than price alone. You insured your home for every conceivable disaster your area is prone to. You didn’t try